Bereavement & Funeral Guidelines

Revised: March 1, 2024

The primary role of the shepherd (i.e., deacons and ministers) at MHMBC is to assist the Pastor in caring for the congregation.  As a result, each shepherd is responsible for serving as the main point of contact in ministering to members of their shepherd group, especially in the event of a death.

Below are the basic steps each shepherd should perform when notified of a death:

1. Contact the bereaved member(s) as soon as possible, at a minimum by phone, but preferably in-person.

2. Pray with the member(s) and obtain as much information as possible:

  • Name of deceased
  • Relationship (husband, wife, son, daughter, father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, sister, brother)
  • Other MHMBC members impacted
  • City and state of deceased
  • Funeral home information – address, email, telephone
  • Wake information – date, time, location
  • Church where funeral will be held – name, pastor, address, email, telephone
  • Repast information
  • Will shepherd attend funeral?

3. While some of this information may be unknown or preliminary, please send a text to the Funeral Resolution Clerk.  The message sent should be formatted as follows:

[Name], [relation] of [Name], passed on [date]. Service details to follow at

Example: John Doe, husband of Jane Doe, passed on Friday, 8/4/17. Service details to follow at

The only parts of the message that should be edited are those in BOLD. This is critical since the message is being sent as a text, and there is a 140-character limitation.

Note: The Funeral Resolution Clerk will then communicate this information to the appropriate group of leaders.

4. Assist the family with any needs such as making arrangements.  Please utilize the resources provided by the Grief Ministry – “Caring for Your Grieving Heart.”  

5. Once you gather all of the necessary information, please complete the following online form:


6. If the responsible shepherd is unable to attend the funeral, he should find another shepherd as a replacement or ensure MHMBC is represented at the service.  In either event, the responsible shepherd should notify the Chairman and Vice Chairman of Deacons.

7. Prior to the service, obtain the resolution from the Funeral Resolution Clerk and be prepared to read it at the funeral.  If unavailable, ensure the representative noted above has a copy of the resolution.

8. If the funeral is out of town, the attending shepherd must submit an estimate of ALL anticipated travel costs.  This form is mandatory even if the initial costs are paid by the traveler.  

 Projected Funeral Expenses

9. Within 5 days of the trip completion, a check reimbursement form must be submitted and all supporting detailed vendor receipts provided:

a. Submit a check request for reimbursement, if you paid out-of-pocket expenses

b. Upload all receipts here if the church’s credit card was used to pay for expenses

10. In addition to the resolution, it is recommended that a condolence letter to member(s) be mailed within 10 days of the initial notification.  

Other Resources

*Please be good stewards of God’s resources by utilizing MHMBC funds as if they were your own *